Sunday, May 10, 2020

Cause and Effect The Canadian Rebellions of 1837 and 1838.

The research in this proposal primarily focuses on the rebellions that took place in both upper and Lower Canada during 1838. The time line of this proposal will include events prior to the actual rebellions as they are significant to the understanding of the causes of these uprisings. In 1837 and 1838, insurrections against the British colonial government arose in Lower and Upper Canada. Moderates hoped to reform the political system, while radicals yearned for a restructuring of both administration and society (Read , 19-21). During this time period an economic crisis had swept both Upper and Lower Canada. In Lower Canada many French habitants were suffering from famine and the accumulation of huge debts due to poor harvests. In Upper†¦show more content†¦At the end of the rebellion, in search for the causes the British parliament send Lord Durham who plays a significant role in shaping Canadas political culture (Read, 67). The most important aspect of this proposal deals with the aftermath of the Canadian insurrections. This will be of extreme to significance to the reader as the aftermath of the rebellion would change the destiny of Canada. After learning of the uprisings in the Canadian colonies the British parliament sent a commission to study the causes. Lord Durham was named governor on May of 1839 and was in placed in charge of establishing an inquiry into the rebellions. From this inquiry came a list of recommendations submitted to the parliament in London (Outlett, 275). Two recommendations in this report became extremely significant to Canadian history. The first recommendation would later become known as responsible government. The colonial governor would have to choose the executive council from elected member of the majority party in the Legislative. As well the governor would have to abide by the general wishes of the elected assembly. The practice of responsible was not put into effect until 1841 but Durhams recommendations would be the start of reform to the British colonial rule in the Canadas. This reform was a major step towards Canadian confederation in 1867 (Greer, 135.). The second recommendation was the Uniting of the Two CanadianShow MoreRelatedWhat Is The New Idea Of The Message Of Freedom In North America1283 Words   |  6 Pages1839, encompassing an entire month of publications. The newspaper was centrally focused on Canadian rights and independence, specifically sovereignty from the British colonial government. Originating in modern-day Quebec, (then called Lower Canada) this independence movement was sparked by a rebellion against the Crown by the â€Å"Parti patriote†, or Patriote Party and their followers from 1837 to 1838. The rebellion however was put down by the British faily quicky, leaving the Patriotes to find new means

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